brand Design

Branding is a really important part of a business: it helps communicate to your customers who you are, what you do & what they can expect from you. It can make or break a business so it's important to get it right as early as possible.
Branding doesn't need to be difficult but it can feel very intense going it alone. I can help you navigate the decisions you need to make & build a long lasting brand that will benefit your business for years to come.

Are you at the start of your business journey?

You have an idea, the skills and a name... now what?

Brand design

Brand Design may include:

Brand Design

All good brand design starts with discovery and reflection. To create a visual uplifting identity that is attractive to your target audience, I will guide you through understanding your business on a deeper level. 

2-3 weeks turnaround, can be combined with other services

Enquire Now

  • Welcome questionnaire
  • Online 1 hour Discovery & deep dive
  • Colour palette & Typography
  • Mood board

  • Logo design - up to 2 revisions
  • Secondary logo and/or stamp
  • Email signature

Let's face it, branding is hard work when you are new to it. Not only can it be overwhelming, it's incredibly easy to get stuck in picking that one right shade of blue... That's not even the fun part!

Let's get cracking

Sometimes we need a partner to keep us focused on the important ideas & decisions; that's where I come in. Together we can deep dive into what your business values are & what you are trying to communicate to your potential clients. From there I can help keep you on track for making all the necessary decisions.

Then the fun part - we collect all the colours, fonts, styles, images you that invoke feelings from you. I will then use all of that we've collected to design all the basics for your business' brand. This will help you in the future with the way you communicate your business to others.